Revive Sullivan County!

New year, new logo, new encounters!

Join us this year as we go about uniting as brothers and sisters in Christ to share the hope, love, and joy of God’s love with our communities throughout Sullivan County!

October 2 is our kick-off Sunday, all church worship service at 10:30am! Then, join us Monday through Thursday for community worship services in the evening, prayer and gathering times during the day, and join a team to go out and pray for our community in encounter teams! This is a week where the Holy Spirit will move throughout the county, and we would love to have you join us for Revive!

Come alive with Revive!

Revive Sullivan Children’s Choir!


FCC will be hosting practices for the first ever Revive Sullivan County Children’s Choir. We will be preforming at the Revive Community service at the downtown gym on October 2nd. Our hope is to have children join us from churches throughout the community. 

We will be holding 4 practices before the community service. We ask that all children who would like to participate attend AT LEAST 2 of the 4 practices.

Practices are scheduled for:

Wednesday, September 7th

Wednesday, September 14th

Wednesday, September 21st

Wednesday, September 28th

All practices will take place in the choir room at First Christian Church (105 N. Broad Street, Sullivan). Practice time is 6:30-7:30 pm.

Ages 4- 5th grade are welcome to attend 🙂

We would LOVE to have your child join us!!!
If your child plans to attend please comment below, or text Julie Jackson at 812-564-0777.

Pentecost Sunday All-Church Service!

pentecost sunday poster .jpgThis coming Sunday (May 15) is Pentecost Sunday – the celebration of the “birth” of the church! In celebration of this awesome occasion, Revive Sullivan is putting on a worship service which all churches throughout Sullivan County are welcome to attend!

We will worship our awesome, Heavenly Father at 6pm in the Sullivan Heights High School Auditorium. We hope to see you there with our brothers and sisters!

Upcoming Revive Sullivan Events!

Revive is going to have a great month in May!
For the second year in a row, we will be joining the nation on National Day of Prayer! On May 5, beginning at noon and ending around 8pm, various churches and pastors will be leading in worship and prayer throughout the afternoon and into the evening! Come and join us for as much as you can, whenever you can!
Then, on May 15, we will be celebrating the church’s birthday! We will be having a Pentecost Sunday Service (the day in which we celebrate the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples, read about it in Acts 2!). This service will be at 6pm in the Sullivan High School Auditorium. Pastors Eddie Hammond, Tom Turner, and Dale Wise will be presenting the message to Sullivan County that evening!
Then in June and beyond, we will be doing our regularly scheduled second Saturday of the month encounter days until our next week-long Revival week October 3-7, starting with the Sunday morning kick off on October 2!
There’s a lot happening in Sullivan County, and the Holy Spirit Express isn’t done moving through yet! Can’t wait to see and worship with you!
May 5, noon – 8pm: National Day of Prayer at Sullivan Central Plaza
May 15, 6pm: Pentecost Sunday Service at Sullivan High School Auditorium
June 11: Revive Sullivan Encounter Day
July 9: Revive Sullivan Encounter Day
August 14: Revive Sullivan Encounter Day
September 10, Revive Sullivan Encounter Day
October 2: Revive Sullivan Revival Week Kickoff Service!
October 3-7: Revive Sullivan Revival Week!

April 9, Revive Encounter Day!

IMG_1035Saturday is going to be a big day! Here’s the schedule rundown:
7am prayer: followed by breakfast at Crossroads.
8:30-9am: teams sent out into the community

11:30am: check-in at First Christian Church’s Gathering Place followed by lunch
1-1:30pm: teams sent out into the community

5:15pm: check-in at First Christian Church

6pm: Community Worship at First Christian Church

Speaker: Jimmy Johnson!

Come on out and invite friends and family to join us for a day full of fellowship, prayer, food, and worship!

Ok – So, who wants all you can eat pancakes FOR JUST $1!!!


Now that I have your attention…

This coming Revive Sullivan’s Encounter Day is changing just a bit. Are we still going to break up into teams and interact with the community, seeking to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world? Most definitely! We’re just going to focus on doing that around the Ag Pancake breakfast at the 4-H Fairgrounds!

We will meet at the usual time at the usual place – Crossroads Community Church at 7am. There we will have some prayer. From there, you will be broken up into teams and encouraged to go to the Sullivan County Ag Day Pancake breakfast at the fairgrounds. Aside from the all you can eat pancakes for just a buck, this will be a great opportunity to interact with the community. We will have a booth set up there as well with information about Revive Sullivan, etc…

Some of you can stay, the rest will go do the usual thing. We will meet back at Crossroads at 11am and share our stories from the morning and check back in.

Again: Crossroads at 7am for prayer, send forth to the Sullivan County Ag Day Pancake Breakfast, then 11am check back in at Crossroads for prayer and testimonies.

Encounter Day: Saturday, March 12!


Saturday, March 12, is our next Revive Sullivan Encounter Day!

We will gather at Crossroads at 7am for prayer and breakfast, then we’ll break into teams and go out into the community of Sullivan to share the love of Christ!

We will return at 11:30 for team check-ins and testimonials from the morning.

Looking forward to seeing you Saturday!

February 13 Revive Sullivan Encounter Day!

Sullivan Co. Feb 13 Love Outreach
That the Sullivan County Clergy Association (did you even know we had one of those?) put together a program a few years back to help those in need of utilities assistance in Sullivan County, as well as helped people back on track financially by pointing these same people in need to the Purdue Extension Office’s class on how to handle and take back control of one’s personal finances? Pretty cool, huh? It’s called the SHARE Program.
Did you also know that YOU have the opportunity to donate to this wonderful program, letting you Share Hope And Resources Everywhere? (See that acronym?)
On our next Revive Sullivan Day – February 13 – you will be given the opportunity to help those in our community in need of financial resources in their homes during the “love banquet” at 5:30! So come on out, share the love and joy of Jesus Christ during the day, then as you feel called, give to the SHARE Program that helps so many locals find another way in which the Lord provides!
See the schedule below, and feel free to print it out along with the flyer (the picture at the top left there) to share with your friends and family!
Feb 13 Schedule for flyer